Apostolate of Prayer for March

Please pray for the young men and women who are serving our country in the Military. We especially remember those who are or will soon be risking their lives for our well-being. We also ask that God protect our nation and keep us free from harm.

Click HERE for our special Gulf War Prayer List.

Please remember the following in your prayers:

  • Aaron James (1 yr. old)
  • Margaret Alagia
  • +Mario Allegretta
  • Alpa Program and team
  • Nicky Amato
  • Amato Family
  • Anthony (5 months)
  • Jackie Arias
  • Rose Atwood and Family
  • Aunt Marge
  • Baby Michael
  • Dale B.
  • Emma Barranco
  • Bill Benson
  • Christine Bontia
  • Geraldine and Jessie Boxell
  • Mary Jane Brennan
  • Donald Buono
  • Marie Byer
  • +Bea Campbell
  • Candida Cotto
  • Joseph Carucci
  • Catherine
  • Deacon Art Cauceglia & Family
  • CF (healing and recovery)
  • Evan Colella
  • Glen Coleman
  • Meredith Coralluzzo
  • Dana (Sp. Intentions)
  • May D'Arminio and family
  • Josefa DeJesús
  • +Andrew Delgado
  • Jason D'Elia/Ginny D'Elia
  • Charles Evans (Sp. Intention)
  • Nancy Everett
  • Rev. Joseph Ferrara
  • Henry Ferrari
  • Nella Ferrari & Ferrari Family
  • Ganek Family intentions
  • Megan Fiorilla
  • +Sr. Philomena Fogarty FMM
  • Sergeant Michael Gagnon
  • Albert E. Ganter & Family
  • Gary
  • Fr. Matt Gaskin, OFM
  • Trudy Gassenheimer (Sp. Intention)
  • Josephine Gebbia
  • Greg (12 yrs.)
  • Rosa Guerrero
  • Marion Hartmann
  • Dr. Hartzband
  • Bill and Dell Howes
  • Hurley Family
  • Fr. Israel
  • Ana Jordán
  • Augustine Joseph
  • Mary Ann Julian SFO
  • A. Kagan
  • Marge Keenean
  • J. Kelly & Family
  • Jim and Gerry Keyes
  • Michael Kowalczyk
  • Sr. Lucie Kristofik FMM
  • Fr. Jack Kull OFM
  • André Lacap
  • Cheri Laser
  • Charles Licameli
  • Mark Lindsley, Sr.
  • George Loughran
  • Jim M. (Sp.Intention)
  • Barbara Manis
  • +Gioacchina Martino
  • Matson Family (Sp. Intention)
  • Terry McCarthy
  • Ed McManus
  • Mary McPike
  • Norma Mendez
  • Michael Jude
  • Michelle's sister
  • Lillian Miello
  • Fr. Mike (Sp. Intention)
  • Gladys Mitchell
  • Deacon William Moore & Family
  • Lcpl Drew Munier & Family
  • +Gussie Napolitano
  • Neary Family
  • Nick
  • Baby Nicole
  • Peace!
  • Msgr. Phil
  • Lucy Pineda
  • John Pinto, Sr.
  • Mary Pinto
  • Paul and Anne Polifronio
  • Lydia Pomales & Family
  • Phil Prifold & Family
  • +Nieves V. Ranin
  • Therese Ream & Family
  • Randy Reil
  • Marie Rocco
  • Anthony Romano
  • Ronnie Romano
  • Eleanor Rosenberg
  • Vittorio Russo
  • Kara S. (Sp. Intention)
  • Samantha
  • Shapiro Family
  • Valerie Schroeder & Family
  • Soldiers in the Persian Gulf & Families
  • Joe Sortino
  • Marie Sortino (Sp. Intention)
  • Morgan Spina
  • Spina Family
  • Fr. Edward J. Sullivan OFM
  • Swaney Family
  • Tommy Swiontek
  • Josie Tauriello
  • Mrs. Christine Terrafranca
  • Juanita Terrafranca
  • Nellie Terranova
  • Jim Tomlinson
  • Fr. Donald Trinkle
  • Max and Nilda Ugarte
  • Fr. John Vignone
  • Elizabeth Webster
  • Jessica Wezensky
  • +Catherine Zoccoli

Intentions of the Holy Father for March, 2003

General: The Sacrament of Reconciliation. That each one of the People of God and their Pastors, may grow in their realization of the importance of the sacrament of Reconciliation, the gift of God's merciful love.

Missionary: The local Churches of Africa. That the local Churches of Africa, in the midst of the difficult situations of the present moment, may feel the urgency of announcing the Gospel coherently and courageously.

Send us your prayer intentions

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