We have heard the message of our Lord and Savior just as St. Francis did while praying in front of the San Damiano Cross. And so, we Pray:
IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER, Our Creator, THE SON, Our Savior, THE HOLY SPIRIT, Our Sanctifier...
ABBA, FATHER! Thank You for the gift of our life and the wonders of Your creation. We ask You to inflame the hearts of our brothers and sisters, especially the young, to "Seek Your Face."
LORD JESUS, You are our Shepherd. We thank You for showing us the way, for taking up the cross and conquering death. May we have the grace necessary to take up Your cross in order to bring back the members of our Catholic family who have strayed from the church.
O HOLY SPIRIT, may we be strengthened by the knowledge that
You will always be
with us. We pray for Our Holy Father, the clergy, religious and lay people. Inspire and strengthen all of us so that through our prayers, love and sacrifices we may be able to reach out to our brothers and sisters and bring them back to the fold.
Only with Your help can we Rebuild Your Church so that, united, we may praise You forever.
We ask all this through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother, St. Francis, St. Clare and all Your Saints. Amen. |